Counselling Service Terms

Terms & Conditions


All information will be kept confidential unless the client and therapist agree to discuss something with a third party. Where appropriate a consent form will be used. The only reasons for breaking confidentiality would be if the therapist considered that your life was at risk, if another person’s life was at risk or if the therapist was liable to civil or criminal court proceedings if the information was not disclosed. If at all possible this would be discussed beforehand.

  • Appointments are available on a first-come, first-serve basis through phone / our website booking. In the event where we receive more client bookings and where counsellors are unavailable, you may be put on our brief waiting list. Please be patient while we arrange for your first appointment. 
  • We request that appointments are kept as scheduled, unless real emergencies occur. In which case, you should inform your counsellor as soon as possible, within 24-hours’ notice.
  • If you miss your appointment without notice, you will be charged for the missed appointment.  
  • Subsequently, if you miss TWO appointments in a row, without previously negotiating with your counsellor, then will not get a third appointment.
  • If you are late for your appointment, you will get the remaining minutes only.  We will have to finish on time to be fair to the next client. 

Phone appointment should be made prior to calling the counsellor. Calls without prior booking will not be answered. 

The counsellors are available Friday evening to Sunday evening by appointments only. 


You are committed to undertake the counselling session at your free will. 

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.  If a client arrives under the influence of alcohol, drugs or becomes abusive or aggressive before or during the session, we reserve the right to cancel that session immediately. 


We reserve the right to introduce a fee for the use of service for which no fee had previously been charged. 


While we will make reasonable efforts to provide the service, We will not be liable for any failure to provide the service or any part of the service for any cause that is beyond our reasonable control. 

We reserve the right to withdraw or modify our service where we have legal or technical reasons to do so. There may also be times when the counsellors become unavailable, whether on a scheduled or unscheduled basis. 

We may, where we consider it appropriate for your or our protection, suspend, withdraw or restrict the use of any part our service. We will tell you as soon as practicable if we take such action. We may also end the service at any time by giving you reasonable notice.


We are unable to provide records or information for legal proceedings when asked by clients, their solicitors, the police and the courts unless a Subpoena ordered by a New Zealand court. The basic information that is held temporarily is not suitable as evidence in legal proceedings.


You agree and understand that the effectiveness of Counselling depends on the investment of time and energy you are willing to make. Generally speaking, the more you invest in it, the more you will get out of it. 

  • You understand and agree that the therapeutic relationship depends largely on your input in solving your problems.
  • You agree and understand that Counselling can be challenging, as uncomfortable emotions and thoughts can arise as part of the treatment process.

By attending your sessions you are acknowledging that: You understand and agree to abide by the policies detailed in the terms and conditions. We have discussed and clarified any questions you may have about this document.   

I have read the above Terms and Conditions of MIYC Counselling Service and agree to them.

Copyright © 2024 by MIYC – Manukau Islamic Youth Centre (Masjid At-Tawheed). All rights reserved.
New Zealand Charities Services No: CC58233
Terms & Conditions